Zuma is a puzzle videogame created, distributed and published by PopCap Games, the developer's most popular game together with the Bejeweled series. The play is located in the era of the Aztec culture and the player should form groups of 3 or more balls of the same color around a trail, before the balls arrive at the Skull, the point at which they disappear. To form the groups the player has the Frog, that throws the little balls, which roll across the trail. At the beginning, the player has only three lives but then more lives can be won both by scoring and by catching special bonuses during the game. Zuma Star-wars brings all the fun of the original game with the theme of the popular all-ages movie Star Wars. Fans will be allowed to hear Darth Vader's voice and enjoy themselves at his most famous expression "Yes, Master". Also at the background they can listen to the sound of magical swords and x-wings shooting.
Though considered a mere thematic skin by many people, this new edition of Zuma makes the delight of all-ages 'zumaniacs'.
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